David has been a prolific author and writer with over 30 books to his name and contributions to 19 other books as well as over 160 articles with other works pending. He also writes for newspapers, magazines and journals. Over 250 obituaries have been published in The Independent and Guardian newspapers.
His articles have appeared in publications such as The Times, The Times Higher Education Supplement, The Times Literary Supplement Guardian, Daily Telegraph, The Independent, International Affairs, Albion (USA), Current History (USA), Political Geography, Political Studies, English Historical Review, and German Politics to name but a few.
David’s most recent book is a departure from the norm and is entitled ‘We Were No Heroes‘.
Sole Author (selection):
- The Fall of the GDR: Germany’s Road To Unity, Longman, 2001.
- The GDR: Moscow’s German Ally, (Second Edition 1988, First Edition 1983, George Allen & Unwin, London).
- The Fall of the GDR, Routledge, 2001. Buy here.
- The Two Red Flags: European Social Democracy & Soviet Communism Since 1945, Routledge, 2000.
- Germany in the Twentieth Century, (From pre-1918 to the restoration of German unity), Batsford, Third edition, 1991.
- East Germany to the 1990s Can It Resist Glasnost? The Economist Intelligence Unit, 1987.
- Germany Since 1918, (second edition 1980, first 1972, Batsford/Harper & Row).
- Marx and the Marxists an Outline of Practice and Theory, Ernest Benn/Barnes & Noble, 1973.
- East Germany, Ernest Benn/Praeger, 1969.
- Review: ‘Das Buch von Childs ist saubere, sorgfältige Arbeit, ohne Emotion, ohne Illusion.’ Joachim Nawrocki, Die Zeit (Hamburg), 3 October 1969.
- From Schumacher to Brandt: The Story of German Socialism Since 1945, Pergamon, 1966.
- Britain Since 1945: A Political History – Sixth Edition, Routledge, 2006.
- Britain since 1939: Progress and Decline, Macmillan, 1995, 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.
- Britain Since 1945: A Political History – Seventh Edition, Routledge, 2012.
Co-author/editor (selection):
- The Changing Face of Western Communism, Edited By David Childs, Croom Helm, 1980.
- West Germany: Politics And Society, David H. Childs and Jeffrey Johnson, Croom Helm, 1982.
- Honecker’s Germany, Edited By David Childs, Allen & Unwin, 1985.
- East Germany in Comparative Perspective, Thomas A. Baylis, David H. Childs and Marilyn Rueschemeyer, eds., Routledge, 1989. Buy here.
- Children In War: Reminiscences of the second World War, Edited by David Childs and Janet Wharton, 1989. (The contributors are academics, politicians, writers and journalists drawn from seven countries).
- The Stasi: East German Intelligence and Security Service, David H. Childs & Richard Popplewell, Palgrave Macmillan, 1996, Revised paperback edition 1999.
Most recent conference publications:
- “British Views on the German Economy and the Germans, 1949–1964” in Franz Bosbach, John R. Davis, Andreas Fahrmeir (Hg.), Industrieentwicklung: Ein deutsch-britischer Dialog, Prinz-Albert Studien, Band 27, Munich, 2009.
- “Schwierigkeiten und Möglichkeiten der britischen DDR-Forschung vor 1990″ in Peter Barker, Marc Dietrich Ohse, Dennis Tate (Hg.), Views from Abroad Die DDR aus britischer Perspektive, Bielefeld, 2007.
- ‘Un paese sconosciuto, La DDR vista dalla Gran Bretagna’ (Ein unbekanntes Land: Die DDR aus britischer Sicht) – An Unknown Country: The GDR from a British Perspective, edited by Magda Martini & Thomas Schaarschmidt, (Reflections on the DDR / GDR), Bologna, 2011.
- Intelligence Gathering in Cold War Germany, Journal of Contemporary History, (Volume 48, Number 3, pp. 617–624), Sage Publications, London, July 2013.
Books available for purchase:
The Fall of the GDR: Germany’s Road To Unity (Pearson Education/Longman, 2001). Click here to purchase.
‘He has not relied only on documents, but has observed events on the stop and interviewed key figures.’ Peter B. Johnson, British-German Review, 2001.
‘…a well-written narrative history…should be read by anyone who is interested in the decline and fall of communism in East Germany.’ Peter Hylarides, Contemporary Review, July 2002.

The Two Red Flags: European Social Democracy and Soviet Communism since 1945 (Routledge, 2000)
‘The book is hard to fault in its factual accuracy and a real effort has been made to keep the text lively…’ Michael Walle, Keele University, Political Studies, March 2001.
‘…this book is excellent.’ Christopher May, University of West of England, The Lecturer (NATFHE, 2002).

The Stasi: The East German Intelligence and Security Service (East German Intelligence and Security Service, 1917-89) (Palgrave Macmillan, revised 1999)
‘It makes much new German material available in the English language for the first time, narrates of the outlines of the Stasi story, and discusses the variety of Stasi activities while examining some of the most famous spy-cases in competent and useful fashion.’ Konrad Jarausch, H-Net Reviews, January 1998.